Intel Pentium 4 520 / 520J specifications
General information |
Type | CPU / Microprocessor |
Market segment | Desktop |
Family | Intel Pentium 4 |
Model number ? | 520 / 520J |
CPU part numbers |
- JM80547PG0721M is an OEM/tray microprocessor
- HH80547PG0721M is an OEM/tray microprocessor
- BX80547PG2800E is a boxed microprocessor
- BX80547PG2800EJ is a boxed microprocessor
Frequency ? | 2800 MHz |
Bus speed ? | 800 MHz |
Clock multiplier ? | 14 |
Package | 775-land Flip-Chip Land Grid Array (FC-LGA4)
1.476" x 1.476" (3.75 cm x 3.75 cm) |
Socket | Socket 775 |
Weight | 0.8oz / 22g |
Introduction date | Jun 21, 2004 |
Price at introduction | $178 |
S-spec numbers |
Architecture / Microarchitecture |
Microarchitecture | Netburst |
Processor core ? | Prescott |
Core steppings ? | B1 (QJ23) D0 (Q23M, SL7J5, SL7KJ, SL82V) E0 (Q20Y, SL7PR, SL7PT, SL82W) |
CPUIDs | F32 (QJ23) F34 (SL7J5, SL7KJ, SL82V, SL82W) F41 (Q20Y, SL7PR, SL7PT) |
Manufacturing process | 0.09 micron
125 million transistors |
Data width | 32 bit |
The number of CPU cores | 1 |
The number of threads | 2 |
Floating Point Unit | Integrated |
Level 1 cache size ? | 12K micro-operations 8-way set associative execution trace cache
16 KB 8-way set associative data cache |
Level 2 cache size ? | 1 MB 8-way set associative cache with error-correction code |
Cache latency | 4 (L1 cache)
30 (L2 cache) |
Extensions and Technologies | - MMX instructions
- SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
- SSE2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
- SSE3 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
- HT / Hyper-Threading technology ?
- Thermal Monitor 2
Security Features | - NX / XD / Execute disable bit ?
Low power features | - System Management mode
- Auto HALT mode ?
- Stop Grant mode ?
- Sleep mode ?
- Enhanced HALT mode
Integrated peripherals / components |
Integrated graphics | None |
Electrical / Thermal parameters |
V core ? | 1.2V - 1.425V |
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature ? | 5°C - 67.7°C |
Minimum/Maximum power dissipation ? | 54.28 Watt (Stop Grant mode) / 100.78 Watt |
Thermal Design Power ? | 84 Watt |
Notes on Intel Pentium 4 520 / 520J |
- Bus frequency is 200 MHz. Because the processor uses Quad Data Rate bus the effective bus speed is 800 MHz
- The part HH80547PG0721M is RoHS compliant with exemption
- Model number 520J (part BX80547PG2800EJ) supports execute disable bit feature
Detailed side-by-side comparison
Q: Is it possible to upgrade my Pentium 4 520 / 520J processor?
A: Probably yes. CPU compatibility is
determined by your motherboard. Please see website for
CPU support list for your board.
Pentium 4 520 / 520J Overclocking
Sorry, overclocking information for this microprocessor is not available at this time.
CPU ID information for the Pentium 4 520 / 520J
Detailed characteristics of processor's internals, including x86
instruction set extensions and individual instructions, high- and low-level
technologies, are listed below. This list was acquired from an actual
Intel Pentium 4 520J processor with the help of the x86 CPUID instruction. Any
discrepancies between CPUID features and official specifications are
likely due to some features being disabled in BIOS, or due to a bug in
our CPUID decoding algorithm.
Different steppings of Intel processors may also have slightly different features.
Our CPUID database contains 7 records for this microprocessor. See all submitted records.
Use our CPU identification tool to check features of your processor.
Submission details |
Manufacturer: | Intel | Measured frequency: | 2810 MHz |
CPU Family: | Pentium 4 | Comment: | |
Processor Number: | 520J | |
Part number (supplied): | JM80547PG0721M | Submitted by: | xhoba |
Part number (guessed): | JM80547PG0721M | Submitted on: | |
S-Spec Number: | SL7PR | CWID version: | 0.5 |
General information
Vendor: | GenuineIntel |
Processor name (BIOS): | Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz |
Cores: | 1 |
Logical processors: | 2 |
Processor type: | Original OEM Processor |
CPUID signature: | F41 |
Family: | 15 (0Fh) |
Model: | 4 (04h) |
Stepping: | 1 (01h) |
TLB/Cache details: | Data TLB: 4-KB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 64 entries
Instruction TLB: 4-KB, 2-MB or 4-MB pages, fully associative, 64 entries
No 2nd-level cache or, if processor contains a valid 2nd-level cache, no 3rd-level cache |
Cache details
Cache: |
L1 data |
L1 instruction |
L2 |
Size: |
16 KB |
12K uops |
1 MB |
Associativity: |
8-way set associative |
8-way set associative |
8-way set associative |
Line size: |
64 bytes |
64 bytes |
Comments: |
Direct-mapped |
Non-inclusive Direct-mapped |
Supported instructions
Instruction set extensions | Additional instructions |
SSE2 |
SSE3 |
Integrated features and technologies
Major features | Other features |
On-chip Floating Point Unit |
36-bit page-size extensions |
NX bit/XD-bit |
64-bit debug store |
Hyper-Threading Technology |
Advanced programmable interrupt controller |
CPL qualified debug store |
Debug store |
Debugging extensions |
L1 context ID |
Machine check architecture |
Machine check exception |
Memory-type range registers |
Model-specific registers |
Page attribute table |
Page global extension |
Page-size extensions (4MB pages) |
Pending break enable |
Physical address extensions |
Self-snoop |
Thermal monitor |
Thermal monitor and software controlled clock facilities |
Time stamp counter |
Virtual 8086-mode enhancements |
xTPR Update Control |
CPUs, related to Intel Pentium 4 520 / 520J
The list of related CPUs does not include all models. For the complete list, please see the related "Netburst" processors for socket 775 page.
Model |
Cores / Threads |
Frequency |
L2 cache |
Features |
Intel Desktop Pentium 4 Prescott family, Socket 775 |
Pentium 4 520 / 520J | 1 / 2 | 2.8 GHz | 1 MB | 84W | NX, HT | |
Pentium 4 630 | 1 / 2 | 3 GHz | 2 MB | 84W | NX, 64-bit, HT, SS | > |
Pentium 4 550 / 550J | 1 / 2 | 3.4 GHz | 1 MB | 115W | NX, HT | > |
Pentium 4 551 | 1 / 2 | 3.4 GHz | 1 MB | 115W | NX, 64-bit, HT | > |
Pentium 4 640 | 1 / 2 | 3.2 GHz | 2 MB | 84W | NX, 64-bit, HT, SS | > |
Pentium 4 560 / 560J | 1 / 2 | 3.6 GHz | 1 MB | 115W | NX, HT | > |
Pentium 4 561 | 1 / 2 | 3.6 GHz | 1 MB | 115W | NX, 64-bit, HT | > |
Pentium 4 570 / 570J | 1 / 2 | 3.8 GHz | 1 MB | 115W | NX, HT | > |
Pentium 4 650 | 1 / 2 | 3.4 GHz | 2 MB | 84W | NX, 64-bit, HT, SS | > |
Pentium 4 571 | 1 / 2 | 3.8 GHz | 1 MB | 115W | NX, 64-bit, HT | > |
Pentium 4 660 | 1 / 2 | 3.6 GHz | 2 MB | 115W | NX, 64-bit, HT, SS | > |
Pentium 4 662 | 1 / 2 | 3.6 GHz | 2 MB | 115W | NX, 64-bit, HT, VT, SS | > |
Pentium 4 662 (P) | 1 / 2 | 3.6 GHz | 2 MB | 84W | NX, 64-bit, HT, VT, SS | > |
Pentium 4 670 | 1 / 2 | 3.8 GHz | 2 MB | 115W | NX, 64-bit, HT, SS | > |
Pentium 4 672 | 1 / 2 | 3.8 GHz | 2 MB | 115W | NX, 64-bit, HT, VT, SS | > |
Intel Desktop Pentium 4 Prescott family, Netburst micro-architecture, Other sockets |
Pentium 4 RK80546PG0801M (3 GHz) | 1 / 2 | 3 GHz | 1 MB | 89W | NX, HT | > |
Pentium 4 RK80546PG0881M (3.2 GHz) | 1 / 2 | 3.2 GHz | 1 MB | 103W | NX, HT | > |
Pentium 4 RK80546PG0961M (3.4 GHz) | 1 / 2 | 3.4 GHz | 1 MB | 103W | NX, HT | > |
Other families, Netburst micro-architecture, Socket 775 |
Celeron D 360 | 1 / 1 | 3.46 GHz | 512 KB | 65W | NX, 64-bit, HT | > |
Celeron D 365 | 1 / 1 | 3.6 GHz | 512 KB | 65W | NX, 64-bit, HT | > |
Pentium 4 661 | 1 / 2 | 3.6 GHz | 2 MB | 86W | NX, 64-bit, HT, ESS | > |
Pentium 4 EE JM80547PH1092MM (3.73 GHz) | 1 / 2 | 3.73 GHz | 2 MB | 115W | NX, 64-bit, HT | > |
Pentium D 960 | 2 / 2 | 3.6 GHz | 4 MB | 130W | NX, 64-bit, HT, VT, ESS | > |
Pentium EE 965 | 2 / 4 | 3.73 GHz | 4 MB | 130W | NX, 64-bit, HT, VT | > |
• Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)
• Background color of specs and features indicate whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the Pentium 4 520 / 520J
• Click on the
> icon to compare any CPU in the table with the Intel Pentium 4 520 / 520J (Javascript required).
• Features abbreviations:
NX - Virus Protection / Execute Disable bit
64-bit - 64-bit technology
HT - Hyper-Threading
VT - Virtualization
SS - SpeedStep
ESS - Enhanced SpeedStep
Pictures (4)
Here is a picture of my version! |
Picture of the Intel Pentium 4 520J with S-Spec SL7PR. |
Picture of the Intel Pentium 4 520J with S-Spec SL7PR. |
CPU-Z screenshot |
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Intel Pentium 4 520 / 520J review, or your experience with the microprocessor.
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